Siem Reap - Koh Chang
Private Overland Transfer Siem Reap To Koh Chang.
When you decide to travel from Siem Reap to Koh Chang Island, there is no option on this route trip; we provide a private taxi transfer between Siem Reap city to Koh Chang island or arrange to pick up from Koh Chang island to Siem Reap town is possible if you traveling crossing the border Cambodia-Thailand, We are here, offering private vehicles and chauffeurs. The travelers decide to travel any time at your desire. You will be sitting at the back of chauffeur on comfortable air-conditioned Car 5 seats, Minivan Hyundai, Van Toyota, or similar transports Minibus, to meet all your need in budget travel styles. We offer confidence overland transfer to pick up from hotels in Siem Reap to the border of Poipet within Thailand's immigration exit gate to Trat city, then ferry dock to Koh Chang island. Travel will get more information from our operator at the time of booking this overland transfer.
What expect
Private transfer from Siem Reap to Koh Chang on Overland Transfer the journey takes 8-9hours.
- Gasoline, Toll, Tax, Parking.
- Passenger insurance
- Reliable, Experienced, English Speaking Driver
Important Note
- Personal Travel Insurance
- From and to attractions
- Personal exspense